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Benefits of Asphalt Shingle Roofing

The type of roof your home has plays a significant role as far as your home’s durability and aesthetics are concerned. There are different types of roofing materials that you can choose for you house. However, when it comes to the decision on the type of roofing to have, asphalt roofing shingles are a great idea. They give homeowners beautiful, reliable, as well as affordable roofing solutions. Here are the main benefits you get from asphalt shingle roofing.

The durability level of Asphalt Shingles is high compared to other roofing materials available in the market. These shingles are designed to offer resistance against extreme natural events such as rain, snow, and temperatures among others. Also, these types of roofing materials come with a vent to release any moisture or heat trapped in the roof’s attic.

Your asphalt shingle roof can be unique, and look completely different from your neighbor due to the wide choice of asphalt shingle shapes. Neat, flat, uniform look or natural-looking, rough-edged shingles are most common options. What’s more asphalt shingles are available in a kaleidoscope of colors to complement the style and color scheme of your home. You can choose asphalt roofing that mimics slate or cedar or sequoia wood roofing.

There is an aspect that many people love about asphalt shingle roof systems and that’s the fact that they offer sound dampening capability to help keep your home a tranquil, relaxing place, despite external noise.

Shingle roofing consumes relatively low energy. How well a roof consumes energy matters most as far as the level of heating and cooling in the house is concerned. Cool roofs are an important element in any house since they ensure that certain requirements – cooling and heating – are achieved and maintained through the deflection of solar heat and sunlight. Some types of shingles come in cool colors though they retain their reflective abilities.

Asphalt shingles are environmentally friendly due to the fact that they can be easily recycled. They are better in terms of the quality after recycling in comparison to other materials such as plastic, which degrade upon continuous recycling. In addition, some organizations have specialized in the disposal of shingles, and this ensures that only an insignificant fraction of shingles gets to the environment.

The shingles available today have a better lifespan in comparison to what was available in the past. In spite of this, it does not imply that the traditional ones had a short lifespan. The traditional three-tab shingles, if well maintained, can last from 20 to 30 years. However, a long-term performance is expected especially when you install the shingles on a complete roof. Ultimately, using asphalt shingles for your roofing will give you value for money.

When you want to roof your house, the quality and type of material you will use is an important factor to consider. Shingles are exceptionally durable, have a longer lifespan, are aesthetically appealing and easy to install, which means you only have a few days to have a roof over your head.

Keep in mind one super-important fact about an asphalt roof – it’s only as good as its installer! Asphalt roofing is a complete waste of money if it’s poorly installed by an inexperienced crew. To avoid that call us and we will be glad to help.