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The Hottest Reasons to Choose Insulated Siding

There are many siding products available on the market today to give the exterior of your home a beautiful appearance and protect it from the elements, but insulated vinyl siding is gaining some extraordinary popularity. It is no secret that cost is a big factor when it comes to choosing the best material to clad your home, which is why twice as many homeowners in the United States side their homes with exterior vinyl siding than any other material on the market. Taking it one step farther, Insulated Vinyl Siding is a cost effective product that can also save you money on your home’s heating and cooling costs!

Before we get to the benefits let’s quickly make sure we all know what exactly are we discussing here.  Insulated siding is a special material that combines the benefits of exterior siding with the addition of an extra layer to the back of the material. Commonly, insulation is added to vinyl siding rather than other types of siding. There are many types of insulation, but the most common option is insulation that offers a foam core underneath the exterior material. Now let’s get back to the topic of this article.

You might be wondering what the benefit of added insulated siding is, considering most of the walls of your home are already insulated. The truth is that any type of insulation creates a ‘blanket’ over your home. The more insulation you add, the more ‘blanket layers’ you are adding. This helps further trap the air inside your home and minimizes the amount of air that that enters your home. Depending on the particular brand and product, insulated vinyl siding features an R-value of 2.0 – 3.5. This can make your home far more energy efficient and make a significant difference to your utility bills allowing for a higher than a 80% return on investment.

Insulated vinyl siding is made with a tough plastic material that is impervious to water damage, cracking and chipping. Although traditional vinyl siding is susceptible to impact damage because of the hollow void created between the siding and the wall, insulated vinyl siding provides superior impact resistance. The contoured foam insulation serves as a shock absorber for the siding, protecting it from damage.

Apart from being an additional ‘blanket layer’ for your house and a damage absorber insulated vinyl siding servs as a noise reducer. It has been confirmed that the noise can be reduced by up to 39% compared to the base wall tested.

If that didn’t convince you let me add that they come in a variety of finishes, styles and colors so you can be sure to find what you are looking, they can handle virtually all types of weather including high temperatures, extreme seasonal weather changes and strong winds and what’s important most of the vinyl sidings come with a 25year warranty. They are usually expected to last from 30 to 50 years and due to that, they can be considered green options, but without a premium price. The fact that they increase the thermal efficiency only adds to its eco-friendliness.

Provided you will have any questions or maybe need some help feel free to contact us and we will be glad to help you out.